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Church São Pedro de Miragaia
9 October, 2018 / , ,

Close to the Douro and in the middle of the historical area, this church with a richly decorated interior is a sign of devotion from the fishermen to São Pedro.

The current church, rebuilt in the eighteenth century, emerged in the place where there was previously another temple of medieval origin. Miragaia, along the Douro River, was one of the first inhabited zones in the city. Born in the heart of a devout fishing community, this church was dedicated to São Pedro, patron saint of fishermen.

The previous temple gave place, in 1740, to a temple with a simple structure and with a unique ship. However, the richness of the interior decoration compensates for this stripping. The chancel is fully lined with gilded carving. A work that lasted for several years and that made this decoration reflect the evolution of the aesthetics of different periods. The ceiling and the triptych in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, attributed to the Flemish painter Van Orley, also deserve a close look. In the exterior, the simple tiles – placed in the 19th century – stand out on the façade and the bell tower and the baroque ornaments on the lateral pilasters.

Largo de S. Pedro de Miragaia, Porto

Visiting hours: Tue-Fri 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sun. 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Closed: Monday

Douro Academy
7 October, 2018 / ,

The Douro Academy is the perfect location for all your surfing and canoeing experiences.

The academy is located in the Douro Marina, in Vila Nova de Gaia, in one of the most beautiful landscapes of the north region next to the Douro River and with the ocean in sight. The location is therefore ideal for those who practice or want to learn water sports. You can bring your boat or board or rent equipment from the academy.

Whether it is for training, learning or sightseeing, the Douro Academy has several experiences available that allow you to enjoy the scenery while playing sports. Surf, Stand Up Paddle (SUP), Surfski and Kayak Surf classes are available, as well as kayak and SUP tours, ideal for enjoying the beauty of the Douro’s shores.


The prices and terms of participation are explained in detail on the website.


Douro Academy

Douro Marina
Rua da Praia, Vila Nova de Gaia
GPS: 41º 08’ 35’’ N | 8º 39’ 02” W

Tel: + 351 914 322 630



António de Sousa Pereira – 20th Rector of the University of Porto
7 October, 2018 / ,

Graduate, master and doctor in Medicine by ICBAS, it was in this faculty of the University of Porto where he developed his entire academic career. In April of this year, he was elected by the General Council as Rector of the University of Porto for the 2018-2022 period.

António Manuel de Sousa Pereira was born on October 17, 1961, in the parish of Ramalde, Porto. Graduate, master and doctor in Medicine by ICBAS, it was in this faculty of the University of Porto that developed his entire academic career, having provided the tests of aggregation in the area of ​​Anatomy in the year 2000. Four years later, and already as a Professor, he was to be elected for the first time as director of the faculty.

He is a member of the National Council of Ethics for Life Sciences elected by the Assembly of the Republic, Vice President of the Strategic Council of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto, member of the Board of Directors of the Centro Académico Clínico ICBAS / Centro Hospitalar do Porto and of the Strategic Council of the Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia / Espinho.

Among the positions he held, both inside and outside the academy, he was also President of the National Board of Education and Medical Education of the Order of Physicians, consultant to the Government of the Dominican Republic for the evaluation of the Reform of Medical Schools (2016- 2017), and member of the Board of Directors of ORPHEUS – Organization of PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in European System (2013-2016).

As a researcher, he collaborated within the scope of his doctoral thesis with the organization and computerization of a Population-Based Oncology Registry, which constituted the first population-based cancer registry made in Portugal. In recent years, he has developed his research activity in the area of ​​university management and health policies. Among other international projects, he coordinated and participated in the study “Guidelines for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Health Care Units Used for Teaching in Undergraduate Medicine” in partnership with Imperial College.

Outside of the University, António de Sousa Pereira, 56, is still a man very connected to Porto where he was born and studied almost always: in youth he studied at Liceu Alexandre Herculano and later ICBAS at U. Porto for his undergraduate, master’s and PhD. He is a supporter of FC Porto, although he admits that he does not often go to Estádio do Dragão; among his favourite dishes are the ” Tripas à moda do Porto”, especially if they are made by his mother.

Married and father of two children, he lives near the Douro River and occupies his free time with an old passion: a collection of old cameras. He was a chess player and is still a federated pistol shot athlete.

Erasmus – University of Porto opens to the world
6 October, 2018 / ,

The University of Porto has been hosting more and more foreign students. Thousands of students come to Porto each year, attracted by a reference educational institution and a welcoming and enchanting city. Some end up staying forever.

Twenty years ago, in the 1988/1989 school year, the first student under the Erasmus + program arrived at the University of Porto. It had only been a year since the program had started all over Europe and since then many young people have chosen Porto to have a more complete academic journey and an unforgettable life experience.

On average, the University of Porto welcomes more than 4,000 international students per year. This academic year is expected to reach the highest number ever, with the arrival of more than 4,500 students from more than 100 countries.

Spain, Italy and Poland are the countries where most students come from to spend a few months in Porto. On the other hand, foreign students who are at the University of Porto to complete a cycle of studies are mostly from Brazil.

According to the European Commission, Portugal is the 7th country with the highest number of students in the 33 countries participating in the Program, behind Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Poland.


Why Porto?

The quality of teaching at the University of Porto, the beauty of the city, the low cost of living, the cultural offer and the mild climate are some of the reasons that attract students from all over the world to the city of Porto.

The fact that the University has a close link with the companies in the region, the prestige the institution has and the way it supports research and innovation contributes to the University of Porto being in the top 100 in Europe in terms of employability rates.

The hospitality of the people of Porto and the multiculturalism of the school and the city are equally important to attract students from all over the world.

Parque Oriental
21 September, 2018 / , ,

It is one of the less known green spaces which makes it more peaceful and ideal for strolling, relaxing or playing sports.

Designed by the same author of Parque da Cidade – the landscape architect Sidónio Pardal – Parque Oriental benefits from the proximity of Rio Tinto and many of the routes are old rural roads that crossed the fields. This quiet and bucolic setting, dominated by pines and cork trees, is perfect for relaxing or escaping the heat on the warmest days of summer.

The wild flowers and some examples of camellias, rhododendrons and azaleas lend more color to this space, making it even more enjoyable for those who like to be in contact with nature.

With nine hectares in length, this park is also ideal for walking, running or cycling, often receiving initiatives designed to promote physical activity.


Alameda de Azevedo, Porto

The crickets and their church ( O TRIPEIRO)
19 September, 2018 / , , ,

Legend has it that in the place where the Igreja de São Lourenço was built, one could hear the constant singing of the crickets. For this reason, the church is still known today as the Church of the Crickets.

The legend, which has long been known in the city, tells that the Jesuit temple was built in the place where the gardens of the Bishop of Porto, who donated these lands to the Society of Jesus, existed. A place that, due to its abundance of these singing insects, was known as the Campo dos Grilos (Field of the Crickets). Thus, the Porto residents never adopted the official designation of Igreja de São Lourenço and since it was built in the sixteenth century, this temple was always known as … Igreja dos Grilos (Church of the Crickets).

Another explanation, more based on historical facts, is related to the expulsion of the Jesuits from the country in 1759. The church and college belonged to the University of Coimbra, which eventually sold the buildings to the congregation of the Agostinhos Descalços, also known as “Cricket Fathers” since their headquarters was on the Calçada do Grilo (Curbside of the Cricket).

The history of the name may not be consensual, but the imposing facade and the richness of its interior justify a visit.

Source: O Tripeiro 7ª Série Ano XXXIV number  5 – May 2015

Manuel Pinheiro
19 September, 2018 / ,

The President of the Executive Committee of the CVRVV – Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes (Commission of Viticulture of the Region of the Vinhos Verdes) likes to walk to discover the city where he was born. Despite being in love with old automobiles, it is on foot that he likes to travel around Porto.

Manuel Pinheiro was born in 1966 in Sé, one of the most typical parishes in Porto and it was also in his homeland that he studied Law at the Catholic University. His postgraduate degree in Business Administration was held at the Collège d’Europe in Brugge, Belgium, but he would return to Porto to work.

He is president of ANDOVI – Associação Nacional das Denominações de Origem Vitivinícolas (National Association of Wine Origin Denominations), an entity that brings together the Portuguese Regions, and a member of the Conselho Consultivo do Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho (Advisory Council of the Institute of Vine and Wine). He was the vice-president of the CEPV, the European Wine Professional Council, member of the Interprofessional Council of CIRDD and the Institute of Vinhos do Douro and Porto and general secretary of ANCEVE. He has been president of the CVRVV since 2000.

Old cars are one of his passions. “I like to work on them and drive them with the calm that today, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not know,” he reveals. In 1995, this passion led him to open Ascari (, in Rua da Constituição, which is still the only bookstore specialized in automobiles, motorcycles and techniques.

In his spare time, the CVRVV president also loves to walk: “Porto has lots of options for walkers. Whether it’s in the centre of the city, the historic area with its alley ways and staircases to discover, the avenues like Boavista or Marechal Gomes da Gosta with imposing villas. One of the most interesting routes is the Douro, from the historical centre to the beaches of Foz. There are two cities in one: the urban centre and the coastal area, formerly a summer resort of the Porto and now a residential area and with excellent restaurants” he advises.


 Porto has more and more food offerings of all flavours and origins. We will therefore return to two places that preserve the traditional gastronomy of Porto and whose rooms are filled with local customers. The Morfeu Marginal, in rua do Ouro 400, almost under the Ponte da Arrábida, offers a menu that varies everyday (do not miss the Cozido on Fridays!) and the Cozinha do Martinho, on the other end of the city in Areosa (Rua de Costa Cabral 2598), which preserves a traditional menu that seduced Anthony Bourdain on his last visit to Porto.


With a glass in hand, you can stand and chat whilst watching the city go by, Aduela (Rua das Oliveiras, 36) is a good informal meeting place.

Location / City tour

Go to the less touristy end of the city in Campanhã, and hop on the eco-tour of the Douro that begins next to the Pousada do Freixo/Museu de Imprensa, that stops at a great place to have lunch and with an unforgettable view, Casa Lindo. This eco-tour always follows the river, very serene along the curves of the bank. Perfect for a late afternoon too.

A secret of the city
All visitors to Porto pass through the Cathedral, the city’s central building dating back to the 12th century. If you’re at the door of the Cathedral and look forward carefully, you will see a yellow arrow marked on the stone. Walk up to that arrow and look for another one. Follow the arrows around the city and tell us where they took you.

Where to drink a Vinho Verde

Right next to Porto you will find Matosinhos is easily accessible on foot or by metro. It has a huge offer of restaurants with fresh fish every day. It is the ideal environment to taste the best of Portuguese gastronomy with a great Vinho Verde.

The Siege of Porto
14 September, 2018 / , ,

It was 13 months that marked the city forever. The Siege of Porto lasted from July of 1832 to August of the following year, but its memory remains in the toponymy and the soul of the city.

The city will always be marked by the months in which it was surrounded: in addition to material damages and loss of human life, this period of history gave Porto the title of  “antiga, Mui Nobre, Sempre Leal e Invicta Cidade do Porto” (old, very noble, always loyal and invicta Porto) attributed by D. Pedro as a form of gratitude for the loyalty and courage with which the Porto residents defended the liberal cause. The king would even offer his heart to the city as a form of giving thanks.

“Bairro do Cerco do Porto”, “Rua do Heroísmo” (Heroism, in memory of a bloody battle that took place there) or “Rua da Firmeza” (Firmness) are names that perpetuate “the dignity and resignation with which the Porto residents valiantly resisted”. They evoke this time and a war between two brothers with opposing convictions.

Porto never accepted the ascendancy of the absolutist D. Miguel to power (1828) and when D. Pedro took command of the Liberal movement, he found in the people of the city a powerful ally. On July 8, 1832, D. Pedro, coming from the Azores, disembarked in Pampelido (Mindelo) to take the city of Porto, arriving at the present Praça da Liberdade at noon. D. Miguel’s troops had been moved to Lisbon so the Liberals had no difficulty entering the city. The next day, the absolutist army, coming from the south, settled in the Serra do Pilar, on the other side of the river, to bombard the city and expel the Liberals. Thus begins the siege: D. Pedro’s supporters remain in the port, surrounded. Food and essential goods became scarce and, as the situation got worse, cholera and typhus became opponents of those fighting for the liberal cause.

In June 1833, the Liberals altered the strategy and resolved to attack from the Algarve. The absolutist troops, convinced that the adversary was weakened, decide to launch a great attack on the Port but end up being defeated. On the 26th July, the Liberals occupied Lisbon but Porto remained surrounded. On the 18th August, under the command of Marechal Saldanha, the Liberal army obtained a decisive victory that two days later lead the supporters of D. Miguel to retreat. The Siege of Porto was finished.

The metro station that is a museum
14 September, 2018 / ,

The metro station Campo 24 de Agosto keeps a real treasure: the ruins of a reservoir of water that existed there.

Besides being designed by the renowned Portuguese architect Souto Moura, this station in the center of the city has other reasons for its significance: it accommodates the archaeological traces of a reservoir that supplied the existent fountain. In the nineteenth century, the river that flowed there was buried along with the bridge that crossed it. Over time, and with the urbanization of the surrounding area, which was formerly rural, the memory of this past was forgotten until progress recovered that memory.

During the construction of the underground station, at the beginning of this century, what was left of the old reservoir was discovered along with other objects, including shoe soles, Portuguese ceramics, Italian glass or Chinese porcelain. To preserve these memories, the ruins were dismantled and then rebuilt in the place where they can be visited today, accompanied by explanations that contextualize the importance of these remains.

Agustina Bessa-Luís
14 September, 2018 / ,

“I live here, but Porto is not a place for me; it’s a feeling”

Agustina Bessa-Luís is one of the most emblematic women of Portuguese culture. With dozens of published works and a unique personality, she has an enormous passion for Porto.

She was born in Vila-Meã, Amarante, on October 15, 1922, but during her childhood and adolescence she lived in several cities, yet maintained a strong connection to the Douro region which was notorious in many of her work. Her maternal grandfather’s library allowed her the first contact with French and English literature, which influenced her.

During her adolescence, she even wrote novels under a pseudonym but it was in 1948 that she published the first book, “Mundo Fechado”. Three years earlier she had married Alberto Luís. She met her husband through an advertisement she published in a newspaper in which she sought a cultured person with whom to exchange correspondence, which clearly reveals her independent and determined temperament. In 1953, with the award-winning novel, “A Sibila” (The Sibyl), Agustina Bessa-Luís gained great recognition.

From then until the first years of the 21st century, she published dozens of works, some of them adapted to the cinema by Manoel de Oliveira. Although often dissatisfied with these adaptations, this collaboration was long and fruitful. Agustina even wrote the text that accompanies the film “Visita ou Memórias e Confissões”, made to be exhibited after the director’s death. The “Corte do Norte” was also adapted to the cinema by João Botelho and several works were adapted to the stage. In addition to novels, she also wrote plays, biographies, essays and children’s books. Between 1986 and 1987 she was director of the newspaper O Primeiro de Janeiro and between 1990 and 1993 she was in the board of the Teatro Nacional de D. Maria II.

She is a member of the Academie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres (Paris) and the Academia Brasileira de Letras and the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Among the honors received are the Order of Sant’Iago da Espada (1980), the Medal of Honor of the City of Porto (1988) and the Officier’s degree of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of the French Government (1989).  Her work has been translated into German, Castilian, Danish, French, Greek, Italian and Romanian.

Undaunted, intelligent, sarcastic, and fearless in defying conventions and powers, Agustina Bessa-Luís was never afraid to say what she thought or let herself be intimidated for being a woman or of not belonging to the circles of power. For health reasons, she has been away from public and literary life for several years.