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Avenida dos Aliados – Porto’s living room
3 March, 2017 / ,

It is the heart of the city, where heads of state are received, victories are celebrated and important dates such as New Year or St. John are commemorated.

In fact, the space that is commonly known as Avenida dos Aliados and includes Praça da Liberdade (south) and General Humberto Delgado Square on the north side where the City Hall is located. The central location and its dimensions are ideal to welcome thousands of people, being therefore the chosen place to celebrate great moments of the city.

Granite predominates in the buildings, many of them true works of art built during a golden age of Porto. Plans to make this place a public square go back to the seventeenth century, but it would take several years before the works progressed. The agricultural fields gave way to more modern streets, but it would only be in the nineteenth century for this place to become the political, economic and social center of the city. Cafes and taverns occupied a space which later was replaced by banks and offices and today, in addition to terraces and restaurants, it also houses hotels and shops, as well as statues and sculptures that contrast with the water reflection and granite pavement of recent construction.

The works of the avenue began in 1916, with the demolition of the previous municipal buildings. The new City Hall results from a project of the architect Correia da Silva dating back to 1920, but the installations were only completed in the 50’s.

However, in the 21st century, due to the construction of an underground station in the Aliados, the space would once again be remodeled in a project by the architects Álvaro Siza Vieira and Eduardo Souto Moura.

January 31, 1891 – A revolution that ended in bloodshed
3 March, 2017 / ,

On January 31, 1891, the first attempt to establish the Republic took place in Porto. Discontented with the economic crisis and a British-launched Ultimatum, which called into question the Portuguese presence in Africa, a group of influential northern men led dozens of soldiers toward the center of the city with the intention of taking the Post Office and Telegraphs and proclaim the Republic. They were eventually blocked by the municipal guard, faithful to the Monarchy and placed on the steps of the Church of Santo Ildefonso.

The Republic came to be proclaimed on the balcony of the City Hall, which would be the last stronghold of the rebels. Those who did not die in the battle would eventually be taken to ships stationed at Leixões. Others managed to escape abroad. The Republic would only be proclaimed in 1910.

The memory of this date still remains today in the toponymy of the city, with Rua 31 de Janeiro, in downtown Porto, as well as in the streets that have the names of the authors of this frustrated revolution: Alves da Veiga, Rodrigues de Freitas or Alferes Malheiro.

Source: O Tripeiro (New Series) Year X number 1

Hotel Aliados – Comfort in the heart of Oporto
2 March, 2017 /

Despite being a historical hotel, tradition and modernity combine beautifully providing the greatest comfort to those who visit the city.

Inaugurated in 1932, at a time when Avenida Aliados gained prominence as a center of leisure, culture and business, Hotel dos Aliados has been renovated in order to provide the best comfort in the best location of the city.

The two suites and 41 rooms combine modern amenities with classic charm, offering air conditioning, free internet, private bathroom, television, among others.

Consequently, Hotel Aliados is nowadays a prestigious hotel and the only 3 star hotel located in the heart of Avenida dos Aliados.

In addition to the original characteristics, the impressive building maintains the vestiges of the history and tradition of one of Porto’s most prosperous eras.


Avenida dos Aliados (Entrance: Rua Elísio de Melo, 27, 2nd floor) Porto

Phone: +351 222 004 853

2 March, 2017 /

The inspiration came from croque-monsieur, but the sauce was invented in a Porto restaurant and the Portuguese ingredients give it a unique flavor. It is one of the typical dishes of Porto, ideal for cold days and nights. Here is a simple recipe to make when you return home and miss Porto.


1 Beer

1 cube of Beef stock

1 Bay Leaf

1 tablespoon margarine

1 goblet of Brandy or port wine

1 tablespoon corn starch flour

2 tablespoons tomato puree

1 dl of milk

Piripiri q.b.


Dissolve the flour well with the milk and add the remaining ingredients. Blend allthe ingredients together into a smooth paste. On the stove bring the ingredients to a boil until it thickens a little stirring always to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan.


4 slices of sliced bread (without crust)

2 steaks

2 sausages

2 Portuguese smoked thin sausages (linguiça)

2 slices of cheese

2 slices of ham

Season the steaks with salt and pepper and grill them, grill the sausage and the linguiça too. Toast the slices of bread. In a oven-proof dish place 1 slice of bread, the steak, the Sausage cut in half, slice of ham and finally the linguiça cut in half just like the sausage. Cover with the other slice of bread and place a slice of cheese over the bread. Pour the hot sauce over the sandwich covered with cheese and place in preheated oven to melt the cheese.

Eugénio de Andrade
2 March, 2017 /

Eugénio de Andrade, one of the most translated Portuguese poets, kept a strong connection to Porto for much of his life.

Although he was born in Fundão, Eugénio de Andrade (whose real name was José Fontinhas), lived in Porto for more than 50 years, until his death on June 13, 2005. He arrived in Oporto in the 50’s. At that time and although he already had written works, his position was an administrative inspector of the Ministry of Health and it was for this reason, following a transfer that he came to live in the city. Later he would receive the title of honorary citizen.

Author of several works that earned him national awards and international distinctions, he was also a translator of works by authors such as Federico García Lorca and Jorge Luís Borges. Among the several poetic anthologies of which he was the author, the one dedicated to Porto (Daqui Houve Nome Portugal, 1968) stands out. Although he cultivated strong relations of friendship with other writers and artists, he was discreet. He did not like to give interviews or attend social and cultural events.

He lived for many years at 111 Rua Duque de Palmela, but from 1994 until his death he lived in the Casa Serrúbia, in Rua do Passeio Alegre, in Foz do Douro. This house would become the headquarters of the Eugénio de Andrade Foundation for some time. His manuscripts and other documentation are currently in the Special Collections Room of the Municipal Public Library of Porto.

Not far from here, in the Prado do Repouso Cemetery stands the tomb of Eugénio de Andrade: a white shallow marble grave, designed by his friend Siza Vieira, in which verses of his book “The Hands and the Fruits” are inscribed.


“The wisdom of the poet is a second innocence”

“One word is like a note that looks for others for a perfect chord”

The Duke of the People
2 March, 2017 /

The Duke saved many people from the dangerous waters of the Douro River. Oporto paid him homage with a bust, placed in Ribeira.

Deocleciano Monteiro was his birth name, but his mother began to call him Duke and that was how he became known. The Duke of Ribeira, who died in 1996, was one of the most emblematic figures of the city. At the tender age of 11 he saved a man from drowning in the Douro River. Throughout his life as a ferryman he carried out many other rescues, having also collected the bodies of those who could not resist the treacherous waters of the river he knew like no one else.

He became one of the most famous personas in the history of Porto and met illustrious figures like Queen Isabel II and other heads of State. The city did not forget him and paid him homage in the place that was the scene of his heroism. In Rua da Lada, next to D. Luís I Bridge, a tombstone with a bust by José Rodrigues was placed.

HeyValencia, a new Hey Group’s project
1 March, 2017 /

We would like to welcome HeyValencia, the new publication of the Hey Group . Like HeyPorto it is a newspaper in which to find all the news, curiosities, events, news, gastronomy … of the city of Valencia.

If you are traveling to Valencia do not hesitate to visit and discover how to get the most out of your stay.

Rua de Santa Catarina
19 February, 2017 /

Shopping and fun

It is the ideal street for shopping. With hundreds of shops and constant animation, it has many places not to be missed.

Rua de Santa Catarina has a length of 1500 meters in downtown Porto; it is the favorite place for Porto locals and tourists to shop. Part of this street is pedestrian, which makes it the perfect place to do window-shopping, buying from clothing to traditional Portuguese products or even handicrafts in stalls placed along the sidewalks. It has also become a place of permanent animation, thanks to the many street artists who perform every day for those who pass by.

From the more traditional shops to the international brands, it provides the consumer with a variety to satisfy all tastes. The cafes, restaurants and terraces allow you to rest from your walk or feel an increasingly cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Due to its central location, it is also the ideal starting point to discover Porto.

Points of interest

Café Majestic – Opened in 1921, it is the most famous café in Porto. An exquisite space full of glamour, with a unique decoration where the mirrors, the imposing entrance and the interior patio stand out.

Capela das Almas/Chapel of the Souls – Built at the beginning of the 18th century, this chapel stands out for its façade covered with tiles, representing steps of the life of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Catherine.

Decoração Arte Nova – the facades of Ourivesaria Reis & Filhos (Jeweller) and the Latin Library Bookstore, both next to the Church of Santo Ildefonso, are decorated with cast iron sculptures in Art Nouveau style

Via Catarina – housed in a building that once served as headquarters for a newspaper, this shopping center, in addition to numerous shops, it has a restaurant area that resembles a typical street in the city

Pérola Negra: vintage nights in the heart of Baixa
19 February, 2017 / ,

Pérola Negra regains the spirit of the 80s and 90s nights in a space that has an aesthetic “retro”, burlesque and where fun is guaranteed.

It is one of the latest nightlife venues in the city of Porto. Pérola Negra, which for more than 40 years served as a nightclub for male audiences, and has maintained the decoration where dark wood predominates, the walls with mirrors and red-lined benches around a dance floor with stage and crystal ball.

Today it is a place of diversion for several generations, located downtown and, therefore, ideal for a well-spent night. In addition to this new concept of “a space for everyone”, Pérola Negra also focuses on recovering the spirit of the nights of the 80’s and 90’s, when the night began with the opening of the dance floor, with smoke effects and a specific song. Then, as the hours pass, the music changes to more recent songs and the dance floor is overrun with the latest dance music hits.

Rua de Gonçalo Cristóvão 284, Porto

Information / Booking  tel:-935200913

Fantasporto: fantastic cinema at the Rivoli
19 February, 2017 / ,

Between February 20 and March 4, the Porto-Fantasporto International Film Festival will be showing 132 films from 35 countries, including world premieres.

Ranked among the top 10 independent festivals in the world, Fantasporto is part of the city’s cultural tradition. The 37th edition presents the best selection of fantastic and contemporary cinema in the form of long and short films, animation and experimental cinema.

The official opening will begin with The Age of Shadows by Jee-woon Kim. The world premiere will be “TheEvilWithin” (USA), the only film directed by the late Andrew Getty. Award-winning films were also selected from Cannes, Locarno, Venice and Toronto.  Retrospectively, the Taiwanese Action Cinema and a selection of modern Argentine cinema are highlighted.

One of the novelties of this year will be the “Mini Me” section, dedicated to children and pre-adolescent audiences. Apart from all this, the program also includes conferences, workshops and an exhibition.

Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Porto

Tickets: 5 euros (except for the opening and closing sessions)