Jardim do Carregal

Jardim do Carregal

It is considered the last romantic garden of Porto. The bridge that crosses the lake and the lush green trees that surround it create a unique and peaceful environment in a very busy area.

Built in 1897, this garden was designed by the Gardener-Landscapist Jerónimo Monteiro da Costa. The lake, the bridge and trees like cedars, sequoias and araucarias make this green space a pleasant place to relax.

Located next to the Hospital de Santo António, this garden also pays homage to the doctor, professor, researcher and artist Abel Salazar, with a statue by the sculptor Hélder de Carvalho.

The name (Carregal) comes from a plant called Carrega which grew on the banks of the Rio Frio (a River) which started near Torrinha and passed through the place where the hospital Santo António is today.

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20 July, 2018 /

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